

How can you download my custom E900 menu?


Well ...


If the tablet is switched off and again power on, it forgets most of the settings, and it only loads to registry the factory values.

I have been thinking how to improve these shortcomings.

Its very difficult to solve without ROM.

The icons of factory menu linked to bad websites.

I think : the factory menu is not useful for us.

I created a menu with lots of useful software, solutions, and

various tricks and changed this E900 Tablet.

My menu is not universal , must be configured for each user:

- The your language is necessary for the characters of the inputpanel

- The your timezone is necessary to show the correct time

- The your language is necessary for the Opera browser

- The your language required for the office applications

- The your language is necessary for the menu caption

- The name of your city and country are necessary for the weather application


Free trial download now




- more languages are mixed

- big keyboard Japanese & Greek chars.

- rotate only 0o and 90o degrees

- colors just blue and yellow

- "My apps" submenu does not work

- some apps dont work or work but Hungarian

- time is GMT+1



If you like my work and you want to use the full customized menu ,please donate a symbolic amount "the price of a hamburger and a beer" ($ 6), please contact me..



Read the details










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